I’m writing this a little early. It’s December 10 and I still have 21 days to go in the month… and I think I may get the sewing done on Raddus Bridge Leia by the end of the year. In which I’d have to count it for this year… so I’m writing this in advance and scheduling to post closer to the end of the month, and if I finish her I can come back and add it!
So at the end of 2018, these were my 2019 goals, let’s see what I accomplished.
1. MOVE! – DONE! technically.

We got moved in in January! And I got a LOT unpacked really quickly. And then I started working on costumes and other stuff and… yeah there’s still about 5-6 boxes sitting in our guest room I still haven’t unpacked. So like, 99% moved in, I guess, LOL.
There’s still a lot of house projects we have on our list, but just haven’t gotten to them yet – but it’s getting there, slowly but surely. Maybe in 3-4 years I can finally call it totally done?
2. Suit for Chase – DONE!

This was by far one of the hardest sewing projects I’ve ever tackled and it made me cry and it’s not perfect but I DID IT! And he liked it! He wore it to our Victoria and Albert’s 10th anniversary dinner on our Disney trip this year!
While I don’t think I’ll ever tackle men’s wear on this level again, I did find a lovely pants pattern that was actually pretty easy and fits him well – and I have enough of this fabric leftover I can make him some shorts. So that’s cool!
3. Belle’s Library Dress – DONE!

This one was an uphill battle, considering I started on it in 2018, I just had so many issues sourcing fabric it got put on the backburner, especially while we moved. I’m so glad to have finished it though, I really love it.
4. Ariel – NO 🙁
I just never found a pink fabric that spoke to me that wasn’t $50000000 a yard. Damn silk charmeuse why you gotta be like that.
Besides I kinda wanted to wait on Ash to do Ursula and that didn’t happen this year either, so maybe in the future.
5. Finish Comfy Ariel – DONE!

Well I’d finished the shirt for our December 2018 disney trip, but not the shorts. I’d planned to spoonflower the shorts (designed a scale pattern), but I ended up buying a cheap pair of shorts on amazon and taking them in (they were way too big and I was too lazy to send them back). Wore this on our disney trip this year – and also as a lazy costume at dragoncon.
6. Finish ANH Leia – NO 🙁

Well, I did make an upgrade. I got new boots. Yay? I still want to make my own in the future, and I still need to make my new belt (I have all the stuff for it!) aaaaaaaand I’m still not happy with the dress. There’s nothing I can do about it being too short at this point, but I realized the collar is too tall recently, so I plan to shorten it a bit in the future. Probably not this year though.
7. Boushh upgrade – NO 🙁
Pushed to next year. Although I got Boushh out this month to put on my dressform and it really motivated me to get these upgrades done. Forgot how much I like that costume.
<8. Fix Crait Leia – DONE!

All new robe and updated wig! So much happier with it! Still want to switch out the wig for my custom wig – thinking may do that for Raddus.
9. Dr Crusher – DONE!

Did it! Done! Although it ended up being too big and as of today I decided I want to totally dismantle the suit and cut every single piece down 2 sizes… then reassemble. Wish me luck?
10. Padme Loyalist Committee – No 🙁
Despite the fact I have fabric for the robe and dress, I didn’t do this this year… and I don’t plan on doing it next year because Chase is a bad influence but I’ll get to that in my 2020 Projects list.
11. A New Disneybound – DONE!

I’d already gotten fabric for this when I wrote out the list last year so it was inevitable. It did change a bit from the original concept as I was working on it! Wore this to our 10th anniversary dinner at Victoria and Albert’s on our disney trip this year! And plan to wear it again next year when we go for dapper day!
12. Comic Leia – DONE!

DONE! In fact this costume is SO done I made it twice! I wasn’t totally happy with the knit I used originally, and ended up buying new fabric to start over – but kept on with the first version with the first knit and sold it. Then finished mine in a milliskin! Really happy with it, super comfy costume.
13. Pawnee Goddesses – No 🙁
Was gonna do this for Dragoncon but it didn’t happen.
14. TLJ Luke for Chase – No 🙁
Still want him to do this!
15. Lose Weight
I actually did? A little. Not as much as I would have liked, but I got to the first level of my goals and I’ve managed to maintain it even after the usual post-dragoncon-eat-all-the-cakes bonanza. I’m hoping maybe I can hit the next level before our next disney trip! Now that I’m working from home, it’ll be a bit easier to sit here and do some exercises with my weights while I work. That would have looked weird in an office setting.
So, in addition to all that, what did I do that WASN’T on the 2018 list?
1. Misato

This was a VERY last minute addition to my summer workload – I decided, 2 weeks before Anime Blues Con – that I could make an entire Misato costume in that amount of time. I just really wanted something anime-related to wear, and the idea of remaking Misato had been in my head for ages. I actually managed it and was pretty pleased with it! Love that jacket. I need to do a shoot with it soon since I forgot my necklace when I wore it at ABC…
2. Hera

This was one of those costumes that… as soon as I saw it, I was like, I’m making that. Another one I need to shoot soon, I need to restyle the wig and find some better yellow lipstick!
3. Padme Lake Gown #5

That’s right, it FINALLY happened, after 12 years of a possible version 5 kicking around my “next year plans” posts, I finally did it. And I loooooove it. There will be no more lake dresses in the future plans posts. I’m finally satisfied.
4. Mothman

My birthday was on 9/20 which was the day of the Area 51 raid. So I had an alien themed birthday party and decided to be the mothman. Leftover Amidala fabric, a headband and 2 lights from amazon. Not really as deep a sewing project as the lake gown, but it was fun.
5. A Bunch of Ears

After learning last year how easy Minnie ears are to make, I went on a spreeeee! They were all made with either random licensed cottons I bought for no reason, or leftover fabric. I had so much fun making these! I want more!
6. Raddus Bridge Leia

I came back to add it because as of 12/27 it’s finished!! Whoo-hoo! I don’t have the bracelet yet but considering I have nowhere to wear this anytime soon I’m not in a hurry. Chase is going to try to 3d model it.
7. Progress on Arwen’s Hope Dress
I’m not going to post pics for this one because it’s not much to look at, but I got a start on Arwen’s Hope dress. Main dress is mostly put together; I just still haven’t ordered my spoonflower fabric for the sleeves.
SO! That brings us to 2020 plans.
1. Boushh Upgrades
This one is going to keep crawling around my future plans list til it gets done. Gonna really try to do it next year though.
2. Arwen Hope Gown
Inevitable since I already spent $$ on silk velvet for the dress – and the dress is partially assembled! Just need to order my spoonflower fabric so I can start beading it.
3. Raddus Bridge Leia
Another one that inevitable because it’s almost done.
4. Lothal Leia
I LOVE this that Leia look is based on her concept art. I got some spandex this year thinking it might work for Crusher and it was totally off for that – but pretty close that I could use it for the Lothal pants.
5. Ceremonial Leia Redo
This one is a bit of a pipedream as I don’t think I’ll get to it next year, but I’m hoping I might be able to. I really want to redo it.
6. Liberty Dies Padme
Remember how I said Chase was a bad influence? We were talking 3d printing the head piece for Loyalist next year, and he said I should push Loyalist back and do this one instead. And because I’m weak and I have like so many Padme costumes I want to make and that one is high on the list, I’m now planning to do it next year instead of Loyalist.
7. Chip and Dale
Chase came up with this idea, disneybounds for our trip next year! I’m going to be Dale.
8. Black Widow
Another disneybound. Wanted something that would work with my hair.
9. Other Disneybound STuff
Several other little Disney projects I want to do – I want to turn all the old outer panels from Lake Dress #3 into a disney bound outfit, and I’m also wanting to redo my Leia disneybound. Haven’t quite formulated a solid plan for either, though.
10. Wendy Torrance
After watching The Shining again recently I developed a new appreciation for Wendy Torrance. Girl’s a badass. Thought this would be fun to throw together for a comfy (if hot LOL) dcon costume.
11. A black sack back gown?
I’ve had a few inspiration images kicking around my photo album on my phone for a while. Dunno if I’ll actually do this, but putting it on the list.
12. Qi’Ra?
I bought fabric for the pants earlier this year, but I’m still not quite to the point of digging in. Dunno if I’ll move on this next year or not.
13. Spoilery Costume from ROS
The flashback costume. You know what it is if you’ve seen the movie.
So that’s it. Happy 2020 ya’ll! 2019 seriously sucked for us, on a personal level, so let’s make 2020 awesome.